Bathing your dog can be a fun activity, not just for him, but you too. If she’s already familiar with bath time, it's only a matter of technique. For a novice dog, first get her used to the idea of standing in the bath – you could even make this a game for treats! We generally do not advise bath for young puppies particularly in winter. A sponge bath with plain luke warm water ought to do the trick. When he grows up to an adult, you can use dog shampoo, generally twice a month.

Brush Before Wetting

Always brush the coat before wetting it. This will remove any matted or loose hair from his coat and will also make cleaning with the shampoo much easier.

Sink, tub, or outdoors?

Little dogs are easier. You can bathe them in a kitchen sink. A larger dog will require a tub. Use a hair catcher in the drain to prevent clogging. 


The pH levels in shampoos for humans are too harsh for a dog's skin. Ask your vet to recommend a good quality tearless shampoo specific to your dog's skin condition. With the exception of medicated shampoos, dilute the shampoo for an easier and long-lasting lather.


  • Start by wetting your dog all over, leaving his head, face, and ears for later. Shampoo his hind legs, tail, and be sure to wash the 'you-know-where' parts.
  • Then shampoo the body, chest, and front legs.
  • With extra-care wet the head, face, and ears. Cup your hands over his ears to prevent water from entering. 
  • • Rinse thoroughly - and when you think you've done a good rinse job, rinse and rinse again. 

Dry immediately

Quickly wrap the dog in a towel to keep him from getting a chill. Towel dry each and every part of your dog.

Short Description

Bathing your dog can be a fun activity, not just for him, but you too. If she’s already familiar with bath time, it's only a matter of te...

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