Just like human hair, your canine's hair continues to grow, and without attention, can become easily matted. To keep your pooch looking spiffy, he/she needs regular grooming and daily care.

How often must I groom?

  • The frequency of professional grooming depends on the length and texture of the coat. Hair clipped to a short puppy cut keeps your home grooming chores to a minimum.
  • A soft coat or cottony coat is difficult to maintain than a smooth silk coat. Soft hair mats more, is more difficult to keep clean, and breaks easily. 
  • It takes patience and constant care to achieve the look from a breed book/pet show. Floor-length manes require monthly visits to the groomer. Keep long silky coats tangle-free by daily brushing and weekly shampooing.
  • Think short for Summer.
  • Regardless of whether they have a long or short cut, dogs tend to overheat in extreme temperatures. Unless your pet is a show dog, a short summer cut is always a smart idea. “Single-coated” breeds such as Yorkies may need a sweater when temperatures drop.
  • Smooth brushing made easy.
  • Never dry-brush your dog's coat. Mist him with a mixture of water and conditioner before brushing.
  • Natural bristle brushes break the fine hair of your dog's coat. Avoid brushes with small balls on the end of the pins. Use a wide-toothed grooming comb after brushing, and comb the coat to remove stubborn snarls.
  • Treat knots or mats gently by picking as much apart with your fingers as you can, and work from the ends up to get the mat out.
  • Be sure to check the hair surrounding the anus - it can become matted with faeces. If your dog is professionally groomed regularly, this should not be a problem.
Short Description

Just like human hair, your canine's hair continues to grow, and without attention, can become easily matted. To keep your pooch looking spiffy,...

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