Fun training

10 Best Games to Play With Your Dog

We all love playing with our dogs, don’t we? Along with being a joyful experience, it is also a fun way of enriching the dog…

Train your dog to shake paws

Here’s another way you can stop your dog from jumping up at people they meet. A dog that can shake paws instead will always…

Train your dog to roll over

Here’s how to teach your dog to roll over1. Kneel down, and get your dog in a ‘down’ position in front of you. Hold a treat…

Train your dog to close doors

This is a really useful trick when you’re sitting comfortably with the newspaper and a cup of tea and you want to close the…

Doing agility training with your dog or puppy

Dog agility is a fast, competitive sport where your dog navigates a course of hoops, ramps, hurdles and other obstacles as…

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